Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Find yourself engaging in daily rituals that include checking or counting behaviors that you can’t seem to stop? Struggling with upsetting intrusive thoughts? Are you or your loved ones noticing behaviors that interfere with your ability to work, socialize, or even get through the day?
OCD can present itself in so many different forms, it can be hard to recognize. Many people go years without treatment due to shame around their obsessions or compulsions. I have extensive training in Exposure and Response Prevention which is considered the “Gold Standard” for treatment of OCD. I am also trained in I-CBT which is Inference-Based Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. I-CBT is a bit newer to clinicians in the United States but has been used in European countries for quite some time. I-CBT can be a great alternative to ERP. You and I will spend ample time evaluating symptoms and concerns, providing psychoeducation on the treatment options and disorder, and work together to develop your personalized treatment plan. I strive to provide clients with skills and information they can use even after we have ended our time in therapy.
More about Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP/EXRP) Here.
More about Inference-based Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (I-CBT) Here.